The Corellian Kid

Around 0 BBY, the down-on-their-luck smugglers Han Solo and the Wookiee Chewbacca were running jobs for Jabba the Hutt. Their starship Millennium Falcon fell under attack. As they tried to jump to lightspeed, the hyperdrive regulator was hit, dropping them back out.

They crashed on a planet. The two debark, with Solo boasting that he set them down in one piece.

As he tried to charm the locals, including Jenna, he collapsed, and was brought to a 2-1B-series medical droid. When he woke up, it was with a mild concussion, and discovered that he was in the jail. The town did not have a sheriff, and doubled as their med-bay. Solo thanked Jenna and started back to the Falcon. She told him they were already working on repairing the vessel, but they needed Solo's help in return.

Jenna explained they had a Hutt problem: Bo-Dum and Rarsk. Meanwhile, the pair of Hutts tracked the debris from the crash.

The next day, they left their fortress and arrived in the town. They were met by Jenna, who accused them of killing her father, the sheriff. Jenna then introduces Chewbacca to them, disguised as the new Wookiee sheriff.

The Hutts retreat to the local cantina to plot. They are approached by a figure in a mask, telling them he knows where they could find a pile of cash. They reject him, but the figure reveals he knows where Han Solo is, who has a massive bounty on him. The figure calls himself the "Corellian Kid", best tracker in the system. The Hutts agree to help, with splitting the bounty 60/40, and secretly plotting to betray him.

At dawn, they were in the red dunes. They see that the Wookiee sheriff had beaten them there. The Corellian Kid jumps off, and the Hutts realize they have been drawn into a trap by the townsfolk.

The Hutts emerge from their wrecked speeders, and the Falcon flys over. Solo reveals that he was the "Corellian Kid". The Hutts threaten him with a bounty, but Solo points out they have nothing left, and leaves them in the desert.

Plot summary

Around 0 BBY, the down-on-their-luck smugglers Han Solo and the Wookiee Chewbacca were running jobs for Jabba the Hutt. Their starship Millennium Falcon fell under attack. As they tried to jump to lightspeed, the hyperdrive regulator was hit, dropping them back out.

They crashed on a planet. The two debark, with Solo boasting that he set them down in one piece.

As he tried to charm the locals, including Jenna, he collapsed, and was brought to a 2-1B-series medical droid. When he woke up, it was with a mild concussion, and discovered that he was in the jail. The town did not have a sheriff, and doubled as their med-bay. Solo thanked Jenna and started back to the Falcon. She told him they were already working on repairing the vessel, but they needed Solo's help in return.

Jenna explained they had a Hutt problem: Bo-Dum and Rarsk. Meanwhile, the pair of Hutts tracked the debris from the crash.

The next day, they left their fortress and arrived in the town. They were met by Jenna, who accused them of killing her father, the sheriff. Jenna then introduces Chewbacca to them, disguised as the new Wookiee sheriff.

The Hutts retreat to the local cantina to plot. They are approached by a figure in a mask, telling them he knows where they could find a pile of cash. They reject him, but the figure reveals he knows where Han Solo is, who has a massive bounty on him. The figure calls himself the "Corellian Kid", best tracker in the system. The Hutts agree to help, with splitting the bounty 60/40, and secretly plotting to betray him.

At dawn, they were in the red dunes. They see that the Wookiee sheriff had beaten them there. The Corellian Kid jumps off, and the Hutts realize they have been drawn into a trap by the townsfolk.

The Hutts emerge from their wrecked speeders, and the Falcon flys over. Solo reveals that he was the "Corellian Kid". The Hutts threaten him with a bounty, but Solo points out they have nothing left, and leaves them in the desert.
