The Art of Revenge of the Sith

The Art of Revenge of the Sith, Part One

Commander Faie in clone cold assault trooper armor

Commander Faie in clone cold assault trooper armor

  • Planet Concept, Version 01 (by Erik Tiemens)
  • Ice-Planet Concept Thumbnails (by Erik Tiemens)
  • Floating Buildings Environment (by Ryan Church)
  • Padmé Costume Concept 12 (by Sang Jun Lee)
  • Naboo Cruiser: Wartime Mode (by Ryan Church)
  • Lemur Concept 19 (by Sang Jun Lee)
  • Crystal Planet Junk Barge (by T.J. Frame)
  • Mustafar Arrival (Storyboard Concept) (by Derek Thompson)
  • Mustafar 01 (by Feng Zhu)

The Art of Revenge of the Sith, Part Two

Along with Episode III concepts, Part 2 included Star Wars related drawings by some of the artists when they were children.

  • Mygeeto Surrender (by Ryan Church)
  • Felucia Concept 02 (by Iain McCaig)
  • Storyboards for December 6, 2002(by Ryan Church, Stian Dahlslett, T.J. Frame, Warren Fu, Alex Jaeger, Sang Jun Lee, Iain McCaig, Erik Tiemens, Derek Thompson, and Feng Zhu)
Concept of a Wookiee Jedi by Derek Thompson.

Concept of a Wookiee Jedi by Derek Thompson.

  • WookieeJedi Concept (by Derek Thompson)
  • Polis Massa Revision 01 (by Erik Tiemens)
  • Polis Massa Revision 08 (by Erik Tiemens)
  • Battle of Hoth(drawing by a young Alex Jaeger)
  • Droid General Face Concept 05 (by Alex Jaeger)
  • Trade FederationClone-Fighter Concepts (by T.J. Frame, Warren Fu, and Ryan Church)
  • Battle of Hoth (drawing by a young Warren Fu)
  • Clone Fighter, Revised (by Warren Fu)
  • Jellyfish Creature, Felucia (by Sang Jun Lee)

The Art of Revenge of the Sith, Part Three

  • Vader Construction (by Warren Fu)
  • Grievous/Obi-Wan Face-off (by Derek Thompson)
  • Sad Threepio(by Sang Jun Lee)
  • Utapau Battle, Street Close-up (by Ryan Church)
  • Barge (For Padmé's Funeral) (by Iain McCaig)
  • Wedge Antilles' Father (by Sang Jun Lee)
Rejected idea of Mace Windu's death.

Rejected idea of Mace Windu's death.

