Temple Ruins (Torren)

The Temple Ruins on the planet Torren were the remains of three temples that featured Sith iconography, such as use of Ur-Kittât. During the Clone Wars, Grand Master Yoda traveled to Torren after sensing a strong presence of the dark side of the Force there. He visited the ruins with a Jedi Knight, who he advised to explore the ruins in order to uncover their mystery. The ruins of each temple had a series of puzzle rooms, at the end of which contained a glowing light at the top of a pyramid structure that would induce visions of a different Sith Lord for each ruin: Darth Maul in the left, Darth Tyranus in the right, and Darth Sidious in the main temple ruins.

The Temple Ruins appeared in Minecraft Star Wars: Path of the Jedi a Star Wars DLC story adventure for the video game Minecraft. The player visits the Temple Ruins as part of the final mission of the DLC.

Behind the scenes

The Temple Ruins appeared in Minecraft Star Wars: Path of the Jedi a Star Wars DLC story adventure for the video game Minecraft. The player visits the Temple Ruins as part of the final mission of the DLC.



