
This template serves to give a chronological placement for multiple pieces of Sequel trilogy era media, to allow for quick citation and linking, as well as to resolve contradictory placements given in Star Wars: Timelines.

The list: "The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku," "Flight of the Falcon, Part 5: Grand Theft Falcon," Life Day 1 , Force Collector, and Star Wars Special: C-3PO 1

The information establishes this chronological order: "The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku," "Flight of the Falcon, Part 5: Grand Theft Falcon," and Life Day 1 . Force Collector also takes place after "Grand Theft Falcon," and Star Wars Special: C-3PO 1 takes place some time prior. As this is established in story content, it takes priority over any contradictory placements given in reference material.

The timeline:

Combining this information creates a basic timeline:"The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku" , "Flight of the Falcon, Part 5: Grand Theft Falcon" , Life Day 1 , Force Collector , and Star Wars Special: C-3PO 1 .As stated earler, these are deductions made from information given in story content. It takes priority over any contradiction given in reference books, such as Star Wars: Timelines. However, new information that does not contradict this template can be used.
