Tee-Six (Spirit of Jedha)

Tee-Six was an astromech droid who served the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Tee-Six was aboard the transport Spirit of Jedha when it malfunctioned and fell out of hyperspace, coming under attack from the pirates of the Ohnaka Gang. The bounty hunter Beilert Valance was sent to rescue the transport, but came under attack from the pirates himself and was imprisoned by Commander Hill Purpura, who doubted Valance's intentions. The mechanic Blanch Sproull, accompanied by Tee-Six, freed Valance, allowing him to use a semi-functioning X-wing starfighter against the pirates. Tee-Six sat in the astromech socket of the starfighter, preparing to relay a message Valance had uploaded. Valance broke off his attack run, passing by the Spirit of Jedha and exiting the fighter to land on the outside of the transport's hull. Tee-Six continued to control the starfighter, escaping into hyperspace.






