Technical Specifications: Spacecraft of the Imperium and the Rebel Alliance

Technical Specifications: Spacecraft of the Imperium and the Rebel Alliance was a top-secret publication of the Imperial Navy.

Several versions of the publication existed. An early version was listed as Document Number T358723Q993D. Another version was Document Number V492771R225Y and its revision was listed as Document Number V492771S18DQ.

Compiled by Captain Mordaph Clafdatha and Lieutenant Jord Kraas, it was a brief primer on the capabilities and specifications of selected Rebel and Imperial spacecraft. Prepared at the orders of Darth Vader, the publication's primary purpose was to catalog the strengths and weaknesses of these craft in order for Imperial starfighter pilots to prepare for battle against them. However, the authors of the document didn't get the desired cooperation from their colleagues but after they failed to be allowed access to records and files of the Imperial Navy, they ceased their requests, resulting to an incomplete report.

An early copy of the document listed as T358723Q993D was kept in a secret compartment of the Imperial CR90 corvette Talon, but acquired by Keyan Farlander during a raid right before an officer was ready to destroy the disks. Alliance Intelligence managed to recover and reconstruct some of the data, and a printout was given to Farlander.

Many Imperial and Rebel starfighter pilots, such as Farlander and Maarek Stele, studied this book during their training.



  • X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide






