Tasiele Shan

Tasiele Shan was first mentioned in Satele Shan's entry in the HoloNet on the official site for the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, in an Aurebesh phrase that read "Jedi exiled her mother". The entry went online on March 26, 2010, but it was not until the release of the game's reference guide Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia in 2012 that her name and backstory were given. A book written by Tasiele later appeared in Chapter 12 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, a Digital Expansion for The Old Republic.

Behind the scenes

Tasiele Shan was first mentioned in Satele Shan's entry in the HoloNet on the official site for the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, in an Aurebesh phrase that read "Jedi exiled her mother". The entry went online on March 26, 2010, but it was not until the release of the game's reference guide Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia in 2012 that her name and backstory were given. A book written by Tasiele later appeared in Chapter 12 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, a Digital Expansion for The Old Republic.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia



