Tarshan Ring Excavations

Tarshan Ring Excavations, abbreviated as TRE, was a company that, at some point by 27 BBY, commissioned the cloners of the planet Kamino to produce Human clones for mining purposes. The Kaminoans' experimentations with sterile clones for the order were ultimately unsuccessful.


Tarshan Ring Excavations, also known as TRE, was a mining company that shared its name with the Tarshan system of the Mid Rim's Maerdocian sector.


Tarshan Ring Excavations placed an order with the cloners of the planet Kamino.

Tarshan Ring Excavations placed an order with the cloners of the planet Kamino.

At some point by 27 BBY, Tarshan Ring Excavations commissioned the cloners of the extra-galactic planet Kamino to create Human miners. Similarly as with another of the cloners' customers, the Lords of Purala IV, Tarshan Ring Excavations requested that the Kaminoans begin the project with trials of clones that were sterile.

In both cases, the clone prototypes suffered from impairments in mental stability, unit cohesion, adaptation and creative thought abilities, and aggressiveness in combat simulations. The various corrective measures subsequently employed by the cloners were unable to significantly improve the effectiveness of the clones, and in an internal memorandum composed not long thereafter, in 27 BBY, the geneticist Hali Ke noted the results of the TRE experiment as one of the reasons why the clones commissioned for the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic were instead engineered to be able to reproduce.

Behind the scenes

Tarshan Ring Excavations was originally meant to be introduced in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart; however, the section that would have mentioned it was cut before the book's release. The information regarding the company was later released in 2014 as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles published on the StarWars.com Blog by Fry and Del Rey editor Erich Schoeneweiss containing various cut content from the book.
