
Tantor was an individual who served the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a general within its armed forces. General Tantor attended a highly classified meeting of Alliance High Command on Zastiga, where they learned of the existence of the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station. Tantor and Rebel Alliance Special Forces commander General Crix Madine where needed to plan an infiltration on Endor, where the Death Star II's deflector shield generator was located.

Following the rescue of Han Solo, the Alliance leadership provided a briefing aboard Home One regarding the plan for the upcoming Battle of Endor. General Tantor was present alongside many other high-ranking Alliance personnel.


General Tantor was one of many high-level Alliance officers present at the Home One briefing.

General Tantor was one of many high-level Alliance officers present at the Home One briefing.

Tantor was one of the top generals of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Tantor attended a highly classified meeting of the Alliance leadership in a Rebel safe house on the planet Zastiga. At the meeting Chancellor Mon Mothma revealed that the Alliance had learned of a second Death Star being constructed by the Empire above the moon of Endor. During the second day of the meeting, Princess Leia Organa proposed that she lead a small group of operatives on a mission to the Corva sector in order to distract the Empire while the Alliance Fleet gathered for the coming Battle of Endor.

General Crix Madine volunteered to protect Organa on the mission, but Admiral Gial Ackbar claimed that both Madine and Tantor would need to remain an help plan for a team of Rebel commandos to infiltrate Endor. Madine instead sent the commando Lokmarcha with Organa, who was successful in her mission, and allowed the fleet to gather in the Sullust system. General Tantor was there alongside Madine and many other high-ranking Alliance officers. The Alliance eventually succeeded in destroying the second Death Star and emerging victorious in the Battle of Endor.

Behind the scenes

Tantor as he appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity.

Tantor as he appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity.

Tantor debuted in Star Wars canon when they appeared in Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure and its accompanying audiobook in 2015, which was authored by Jason Fry and Cecil Castellucci. Brenn Tantor was originally created for the Star Wars Legends video game Star Wars: Force Commander, which was released in 2000.









