Tanandra Frullich


The comm virus was designed to extract and extrapolate sensitive personal data. It used a mechanism, mostly useless on modern systems, that allowed it to piggyback in on another signal and infiltrate an existing database. The virus could trace the target of outgoing comm signals, but was not aware of their content. The system automatically sent out a signal to its controllers when it found the data it was looking for.

In order to gain the maximum amount of data, the the virus was programmed with an AI that could customise itself based on the target and interact with them. This AI was essentially an algorithm hidden within the target comm system, and its owners could communicate with it on an encrypted channel via a comm system with a third-party signal receiver installed. If the AI failed to gather information, it could be deleted by the operator to cover their tracks, or reprogrammed with a new identity. The AI had a tendency to become attached to the target and resist divulging their secrets to the operator, even attempting to shut them out of the program. Overloading the security protocols would cause the system to reboot and reveal the entire contents of the database to the operators, at the cost of physical damaging the machine and removing all restrains on the AI. The AI was capable of hacking into the a security systems of an Imperial armored transport. It was capable of a wide variety of tasks, from financial work to taking dictation.

The AI would be destroyed if an Ion pulse shut down the target systems, rebooting elsewhere. It could be trapped in a stripped-down comm system. It was possible to hijack the program and transfer it remotely to another system.


It was rumoured that the virus was created by Rebel smugglers striking back against the Empire.

At some point, the program was acquired by an Aqualish who later became a scavenger on Jakku. It was in turn acquired by Scoggan and Igo. They programmed it to fake a relationship with Unkar Plutt.

After the plot failed, Unkar took the program for himself, using it as a personal assistant.



