Talia's twin sister

The twin sister of the Nightsister Talia was a female Dathomirian Zabrak hailing from the planet Dathomir, who was a part of Mother Talzin's clan. When the twin underwent the Nightsister rite of passage by encountering the Sleeper, she was paralyzed with fear at the sight of the ancient creature before being dragged down into the depths of the water that the Sleeper dwelled in. Talia could only watch her sister's fate. When the Nightsister and Force-Sensitive Outcast Asajj Ventress began training the Jedi Quinlan Vos in the ways of the dark side in 19 BBY, she told him about the twin's encounter with the Sleeper.

Talia's twin sister was mentioned in the 2015 novel Dark Disciple, written by Christie Golden.

Behind the scenes

Talia's twin sister was mentioned in the 2015 novel Dark Disciple, written by Christie Golden.






