Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War 5

The issue features the story "Brother against Brother," in which Ulic Qel-Droma is confronted by his brother, Cay, in a deadly duel.

Publisher's summary

It's Jedi against Jedi, brother against brother, and blood will spill. Brothers Cay and Ulic Qel-Droma lead their respective Jedi forces against one another -- Cay with his honorable but unproven students, Ulic with the ascendant Dark Jedi horde. As the forces clash on the planet Ossus, the right to the powerful historical artifacts of the ancient Jedi await the victor.

The coming apocalypse

As the deadly shock wave from the Cron Cluster approaches Ossus, the Jedi and Galactic Republic evacuate the planet's civilian population and artifacts. The Sith Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma travel to Ossus, intending to loot the planet. While Kun is remorseless, Ulic is still troubled by the memory of Aleema Keto.

While Mandalore the Indomitable has taken most of his forces to attack the Iziz Royal Palace on Onderon, Ulic has brought a squad of Mandalorian warriors known as Viper Alpha.

Raiders on Ossus

At the Great Jedi Library of Ossus, Jedi and Republic forces evacuate the library's scrolls an treasures. As society descends into chaos, the Jedi prepare to evacuate. However, Cay Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider catch sight of Ulic's ship. Still determined to bring Ulic back to the light side, Cay pursues Ulic's ship in the Nebulon Ranger. However, Ulic shoots one of the Nebulon Rangers engines, causing it to crash.

Meanwhile, Kun lands his starship Starstorm One. The Dark Lord of the Sith and his Massassi warriors accost Jedi Master Ood Bnar who is hiding his lightsabers and scrolls inside a sealed vault. Following a brief lightsaber duel, Ood Bnar is defeated. However, the Jedi Master uses the Force to transform himself into a giant tree. Kun abandons Bnar to the coming conflagration.

The enraged Sylvar, seeking vengeance for the corruption of her mate Crado, attacks Kun's Massassi warrior but is soon knocked out. Having accumulated enough loot, Kun and Massassi warriors depart back for Yavin 4, reasoning that Ulic can look after himself.

While Tott Doneeta evacuates scrolls, Republic soldiers check homes for evacuees. While Nomi, her daughter Vima Sunrider, and Master Thon prepare to evacuate, Captain Vanicus receives reports that the evacuation ship Kedriss One is under attack from Mandalorian warrior riding Basilisk war droids. Cay and Tott also see the stricken Nebulon Ranger and realize that Cay is in trouble.

Duel on Ossus

After landing the stricken Nebulon Ranger, Cay confronts his fallen brother Ulic, who warns him to stay away. Cay notices that Ulic is bleeding but Ulic responds that it is a Sith wound. Seeking to save Ulic from the dark side, Cay engages in a lightsaber duel. Cay pleads with Ulic to control his anger over Master Arca Jeth's death, since it drove him to seek revenge and led him down into darkness.

This angers Ulic who cuts off Cay's cybernetic arm. Cay kneels and tells Ulic that he loves him. Ulic responds that he should have just let him alone before striking him down with his lightsaber. Ulic is soon stricken by grief and guilt and weeps over his fallen brother. Nomi and Tott soon arrive but are too late to save Cay.

Overcome by grief and rage, Nomi strips Ulic of his Force powers. When Tott asks Nomi what she has done, she explains that Master Odan-Urr taught her to strip an opponent of the Force but never imagined that it would be so complete. Nomi is horrified that she has no idea what she has done while Ulic struggles with the loss of his Force powers.














