Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith 3

The issue features the story "The Fabric of an Empire," in which Naga Sadow frees the Daragon siblings and becomes the new Dark Lord of the Sith.

Publisher's summary

When Gav and Jori Daragon set off to map the uncharted regions of hyperspace, they knew they were risking their lives. But they thought it would be an unsuspected cluster of debris that would take them out of the game, not their successful discovery of a series of hyperspace "short cuts." The Sith Empire wants to know where these routes are -- wants to hold the only map to these routes -- so that it can maintain an iron grip on the galaxy. And the lives of a couple of explorers mean very little to these masters of the dark side of the Force.

Prisoners of the Empire

On the Sith Empire's throne world of Ziost, the Sith Lords debate over what to do with their new prisoners, Gav and Jori Daragon. Naga Sadow argues that they can be used to expand the Sith Empire, but Ludo Kressh believes that they are precursors to an invasion and that they should be executed. Sadow argues passionately for an invasion of the Galactic Republic but is unable to win support from the other Sith Lords.

In the end, Simus goes to Gav and Jori's cold, underground prison and informs them that they are to be killed. He adds that the Sith will decide the disposition of their ship Starbreaker 12 at the next session. The distraught siblings comfort each other with Jori wishing that they could go home.

Naga Sadow's conspiracy

Naga Sadow does not give up so easily, however. He sends one of his Massassi to retrieve a Republic blaster from the Starbreaker 12. At his Naga Sadow's citadel on the moon Khar Shian, the Sith Lord resolves to use the Daragons as part of his plot to expand the Sith Empire. He orders his commanders to summon his loyal Massassi, gather weapons and prepare for an attack on Ziost.

Sadow and his Massassi warriors attack the Ziost prison fortress, killing several guards. Meanwhile, Gav tells his sister Jori that at least their parents accomplished something by delivering supplies to Empress Teta's forces during the Unification War. He wishes that he had continued his Jedi training and regrets their "bad luck." Jori hears some footsteps.

The two are greeted by Naga Sadow, who tells them that he is here to rescue them. He tells the Daragons to follow his Massassi warriors to his ship. Before leaving, Sadow kills Simus and his servant before leaving the blaster behind to disguise all of it as an attack from the Republic.

Dark Lord of the Sith

After bringing Gav and Jori to his fortress on Khar Shian, Sadow heads back to the Sith Council, which has convened an emergency meeting in response to the attack on the Ziost fortress and the murder of Simus. Based on the planted evidence, Sadow claims that Gav and Jori were spies who were serving as the advance guard for a Republic attack.

Exploiting the outrage from the apparent Republic "incursion", Sadow demands to be crowned Dark Lord, so he can defend the Empire from this threat. Much to the chagrin of Ludo Kressh, the Sith Lords agree, and Sadow is named the new Dark Lord of the Sith. They also pledge their ships and factions to their new Dark Lord.














