Tales from Wild Space: The Journey

On the Star Herald in the reaches of Wild Space, BB-00 "Boo" was trying to adjust the hyperspace efficiency but to no avail. CR-8R "Crater" told Boo that it was too dangerous for him to do as he would keep shocking himself. The cartographer, Emil Graf asked what was going. When he learned how much Boo was trying to complete his task, it reminded him of a story his Aunt Lina Graf told him.

In 21 BBY, Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee was sent on a mission by her Jedi Master, Luminara Unduli to a . Offee was tasked with locating a chamber in the temple. Using The Force, she was able to get into the temple. Using her lightsaber to light her way through the temple, she reached an obstacle in her path.

In front of her, larges doors moved up and down in a line. She ran at them and slid under all of them before they could close on her. She then dashed over moving blades before she reached the bridge. Voices in her head told her that she would fail as the bridge started to crumble beneath her. After crossing the bridge, she was attacked by a ghost of herself. The ghost swung it's lightsaber at her but she blocked the swing with her own lightsaber.

Then she entered a dark room. Her lightsaber got turned off but she was able to turn it back on. When she entered the chamber a book layed in the middle. She was happy to finally complete her mission but when she picked up the book, it ripped apart. She was extremely disappointed in herself.

Shortly after she met up with Master Unduli and apologized for failing the mission. But Unduli did not believe that she had failed. Unduli had set it up as a test for Offee to find the book but not bring it back. She was happy that Offee succeeded in her next step in her Jedi training.

Back on the Star Herald, Graf finished his story but Crater still did not understand it. Graf showed him all the other things that Boo had fixed when trying to adjust the hyperdrive. He believed that it was the journey that matters more than the destination.

Plot summary

On the Star Herald in the reaches of Wild Space, BB-00 "Boo" was trying to adjust the hyperspace efficiency but to no avail. CR-8R "Crater" told Boo that it was too dangerous for him to do as he would keep shocking himself. The cartographer, Emil Graf asked what was going. When he learned how much Boo was trying to complete his task, it reminded him of a story his Aunt Lina Graf told him.

In 21 BBY, Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee was sent on a mission by her Jedi Master, Luminara Unduli to a . Offee was tasked with locating a chamber in the temple. Using The Force, she was able to get into the temple. Using her lightsaber to light her way through the temple, she reached an obstacle in her path.

In front of her, larges doors moved up and down in a line. She ran at them and slid under all of them before they could close on her. She then dashed over moving blades before she reached the bridge. Voices in her head told her that she would fail as the bridge started to crumble beneath her. After crossing the bridge, she was attacked by a ghost of herself. The ghost swung it's lightsaber at her but she blocked the swing with her own lightsaber.

Then she entered a dark room. Her lightsaber got turned off but she was able to turn it back on. When she entered the chamber a book layed in the middle. She was happy to finally complete her mission but when she picked up the book, it ripped apart. She was extremely disappointed in herself.

Shortly after she met up with Master Unduli and apologized for failing the mission. But Unduli did not believe that she had failed. Unduli had set it up as a test for Offee to find the book but not bring it back. She was happy that Offee succeeded in her next step in her Jedi training.

Back on the Star Herald, Graf finished his story but Crater still did not understand it. Graf showed him all the other things that Boo had fixed when trying to adjust the hyperdrive. He believed that it was the journey that matters more than the destination.
