Tales from Wild Space: The Best Pet

The cutest species

Onboard the Star Herald in Wild Space, Emil Graf was complimenting on the looks of his Kowakian monkey-lizard, Noni. CR-8R "Crater" disagreed, saying that Noni looked like she just got scraped of the hull of starship. Emil Graf dared Crater to name a more cute then a Kowakian monkey-lizard. Crater mentioned many species but Emil stopped Crater when he said, "porg" asking what a porg was.

Porg mayhem

During Rey's Jedi training with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, porgs were all over the Millennium Falcon as Chewbacca was repairing the ship. A porg crawled through the vents of the Falcon was scared off by R2-D2 when he got out. The prog made his way to the bathroom where he chewed on a toothbrush and swallowed toothpaste. The porg started to feel ill and drank a cup of water. He also used a brush to scratch his chin and sung in the mirror. The porg caused mischief by unplugging wires and stealing Rey's spanner. Rey then asked Chewbacca if he had borrowed it. The porg snuck around Chewbacca and turned on the holotable to play a game of Dejarik. This angered Chewbacca but the prog slipped by him, stealing a package filled with water and pull some of Chewbacca's fur out. Rey came to Chewbacca's aid and they found the porgs sleeping in a room with all the objects they had stolen.

Back on the Star Herald, Emil Graf admitted that Crater was right and that maybe they should get a porg but Noni dumped her drink on the screen and Crater told him that they should not, they already had Noni.
