
Tak was a Coruscanti human male con artist who was a slave working at the spice mines of Kessel by 10 BBY.


A human male con artist, Tak robbed the elderly on his homeworld of Coruscant. At some point he crossed the line when he attempted to rob the Princess of Kessel, something that led him to be sent to work as a slave at the spice mines of Kessel as punishment. However, even as a slave, Tak swindled his way to try and get easier work shifts.

In 10 BBY, Tak was present working at the mines when the Crimson Dawn henchman Tobias Beckett and his gang came to talk with the Pyke capo Quay Tolsite, who supervised the mine. However, the deal was in reality an assault organized by Dryden Vos, Crimson Dawn's leader. After Qi'ra killed Tolsite by using Teräs Käsi, Tak and the other miners were freed from imprisonment and escaped to the surface for freedom.

Behind the scenes

With the absence of C-3PO, Tak was played by Star Wars veteran Anthony Daniels in the 2018 Star Wars Anthology film Solo: A Star Wars Story. Tak's role follows the tradition in having Daniels appearing in every film of the franchise and references C-3PO's concern of "being sent to the spice mines of Kessel or smashed into who knows what" from the first scene in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.




