Tah'Nuhna (species)

The Tah'Nuhna, also referred to as the Tah'Nuhnan, were an insectoid sentient species which hailed from the Mid Rim ice-planet of the same name.

Maintaining neutrality

The Tah'Nuhna were known as scholars and thinkers, having charted the cosmos and discovered a cure for the Iridian Plague. Their culture was well respected across the galaxy, with their poets being studied in universities. They were also a peaceful, welcoming society, preferring to remain detached from conflict and war, having avoided any from the time of the Hundred-Year Darkness to the rise of the autocratic Galactic Empire. Their long-withstanding neutrality was respected even by the Empire, which never invaded their planet.


However, such status changed when General Armitage Hux of the First Order attacked Tah'Nuhna in 34 ABY, after the planet welcomed and supplied the Resistance when they took brief refuge there after their escape from Crait. As the First Order began its assault, the leader of Tah'Nuhna sent out a message for aid, but the transmission was received by the Resistance far too late as Hux ordered orbital bombardments, which obliterated the planet's surface and wiped out the Tah'Nuhnan civilization. A member of the Tah'Nuhna reflected on their history up to that moment, believing that the planet would be remembered very differently after its destruction.



