TZ-24 Enforcer

The TZ-24 Enforcer/Gladiator was introduced in the Digital Expansion Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter, though it is virtually identical to a ship already identified as the Plug-6 heavy fighter in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The TZ-24 is a Strike Fighter in Galactic Starfighter, available only through the Cartel Market, and is referred to as the Enforcer for Republic players and the Gladiator for Imperials.

Behind the scenes

The TZ-24 Enforcer/Gladiator was introduced in the Digital Expansion Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter, though it is virtually identical to a ship already identified as the Plug-6 heavy fighter in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The TZ-24 is a Strike Fighter in Galactic Starfighter, available only through the Cartel Market, and is referred to as the Enforcer for Republic players and the Gladiator for Imperials.






