TX-65 X-wing starfighter

The TX-65 X-wing starfighter, more commonly known as the Trainer-X, was a starfighter in the service of the New Republic and was the primary starfighter used for educating trainees.


It was a direct variation of the far more common T-65 X-wing starfighter, and was visually similar to its predecessor. However, it had a wider fuselage, large enough to sport a cockpit twice as large as the original T-65. This was for two pilots: a primary pilot and a mentor pilot, who observed the trainee, taught him, and observed the progress of the starfighter to attempt to prevent any catastrophic accidents.

The TX-65 X-wing sported four powered-down "dummy" training laser cannons, one on each of the wingtips of its four S-foils. It also had a hyperdrive.


The TX-65 X-wing starfighter was in the service of the New Republic by the time of the Black Fleet Crisis, approximately 1617 ABY.

All pilot trainees had to fly on a TX-65 X-wing before being rated to fly a T-65 X-wing or before advancing to training in flying an E-wing escort starfighter.






