

During the reign of Emperor Palpatine, TC-72 worked for Jabba's criminal empire. The crime leader Jabba the Hutt sent his two favorite smugglers, Han Solo and Chewbacca to Gamorr to pick up more guards. Their primary point of contact was a Gamorrean farmer, and they required a translator to negotiate. Solo refused to work with a droid, but Jabba blackmailed him by threatening to give the contract to BoShek. Solo agreed and the three boarded his ship, the Millennium Falcon. During the transit in hyperspace, TC-72 did not ingrain herself to the smuggler by her refusal to cease talking. Eventually, Solo taped her vocabulator shut and shut her in the cargo bay.

When the smugglers landed, Solo removed the tape from her vocabulator so she could negotiate with their contact. Solo made the mistake of assuming the farmer was male, and insulted her. She was about to kill him when TC-72 apologized on behalf of the uncouth smuggler. After more negotiations, the two smugglers departed with the guards and a package of snoruuks.

Personality and traits

TC-72 was officious and tended to talk too much, to the chagrin of those around her.

Behind the scenes

TC-72 was a minor character created for Ryder Windham's 2010 young-reader novel Adventures in Hyperspace: Shinbone Showdown.



