
By 44 BBY, T'un had reached an age of several hundred years and become a wise being of great knowledge. During that year, several of the files he maintained were stolen, although Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn was able to recover them. T'un received aid from two student volunteers each year to help him with the files in his office, although they were not allowed to be within the filing office without the Jedi Master.

T'un was first mentioned in Jedi Apprentice: The Uncertain Path, the sixth novel of the Jedi Apprentice series. The Uncertain Path was written by Jude Watson and published in 2000.

Behind the scenes

T'un was first mentioned in Jedi Apprentice: The Uncertain Path, the sixth novel of the Jedi Apprentice series. The Uncertain Path was written by Jude Watson and published in 2000.



