Sword of Ajunta Pall

The sword of Ajunta Pall was used by the Sith Lord Ajunta Pall during the Hundred-Year Darkness, and was laid to rest with him in his tomb on Korriban.

Ajunta Pall built a fierce reputation during and after his time. One of the ways he did this was through his double-bladed sword. Some people believed that it was his sword that gave Ajunta his power, but Pall himself thought that it was the source of his corruption.


The blade of this sword was described as being ebony black in color and notched along its length to give the appearance of being cruel and jagged. It was also said to be very cool to the touch and that upon closer inspection a small insignia of a dark circle could be seen on the hilt. The sentence "I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light" was written on the sword.


During the Jedi Civil War, the redeemed Sith Lord Revan entered Pall's tomb to get this sword in hopes he could gain prestige in the eyes of the master of the nearby Sith Academy, Uthar Wynn (though Revan's main mission through these actions was to find the Star Map).

Revan found the double-bladed sword, along with two ordinary swords, in Ajunta's sarcophagus. After a conversation with the spirit of the long dead Sith Lord, he correctly decided which sword was the correct one. After doing this, Revan showed Pall the way back to the light side, finally calming his tortured soul. Before leaving, however, Pall warned Revan about the corruption within the sword. He told Revan that if he was wise, he would not keep the sword, in order to avoid a similar fate.

As Revan and his companions left the tomb, they were accosted by another Sith hopeful, Shaardan. He had planned to let someone else reach the sword after going through the deadly traps, and then purloin the sword for himself. Revan refused to hand it over, and Shaardan attacked him; the brief encounter ended with Shaardan's demise. Revan returned the blade to Uthar Wynn, and upon recounting the events of the brief skirmish with his rival, he gained quite a bit of prestige in the eyes of the Sith Master.

When Meetra Surik arrived on Korriban five years later, Kreia retold Revan's tale to Surik. She stated it was unknown what Revan had done with the ancient artifact.


Nearly four thousand years later, at the time of the Galactic Civil War, Imperial Staff Sergeant Rothax rewarded an Imperial soldier for several victorious battles against the Rebel Alliance with a Sith sword that was rumored to be a close replica of Ajunta Pall's sword.

Behind the scenes

Although canonically Revan killed Shaardan and gave the sword to Master Wynn, the player has several options with what to do with the sword and its fakes: the player can give one of the fake swords to Shaardan, who gleefully runs away without checking its authenticity, and is reprimanded at the Academy by Wynn for this, and Force choked to death; the player can give the actual sword to Shaardan and lose out of prestige; or the player does not have to turn the sword over to Wynn (as it is possible to gain enough prestige without giving up any items they find), and they or one of their crew members can use it for the rest of the game.

In spite of the Sword's prominence in his original appearance, most artwork portraying Ajunta Pall shows him using a lightsaber, and a single-bladed one at that.













