
Switchmount was a location where the 61st Mobile Infantry, an infantry company in the Rebel Alliance and later its successor, the New Republic, once operated. During its time there, the company attempted to intervene when locals began killing each other, making the situation worse as a result. In 5 ABY, the 61st was deployed on the planet Troithe, where a portion of the company eventually took refuge at a three-story speeder garage in the Highgarden District. When one New Republic soldier on watch suggested intervening in a distant riot, Sergeant Carver cited their time at Switchmount as to why he thought the that former's idea would not work.

Switchmount was mentioned in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, written by Alexander Freed as the second installment of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy.

Behind the scenes

Switchmount was mentioned in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, written by Alexander Freed as the second installment of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy.






