Sweetpuff jamwich

A sweetpuff jamwich was a type of sandwich created by combining two crackers and sweetpuff jam and then roasting it over a fire. The sandwich emanated a tangy smell and was edible by humans as well as members of the species Jedi Master Yoda belonged to.

By 232 BBY, while on the astronomical object Endovar, Yoda and Jedi Knight Kantam Sy made sweetpuff jamwiches. Yoda noted that the sweetpuff jam within the sandwiches was about to become too crispy as Sy left them in the fire for too long. After the sandwiches were removed from the fire, Yoda, Sy, and the youngling Lula Talisola ate them.

Sweetpuff jamwiches appeared in a flashback in The High Republic: Midnight Horizon, a 2022 young-adult novel written by Daniel José Older as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.

Behind the scenes

Sweetpuff jamwiches appeared in a flashback in The High Republic: Midnight Horizon, a 2022 young-adult novel written by Daniel José Older as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.






