Suung Aruh

Suung Aruh was a male Yuuzhan Vong and a member of the Shaper caste. A Shaper Initiate, he was stationed on the worldship Baanu Miir. Though he was apprenticed to Master Shaper Tih Qiqah, Aruh was forced to tell his master crèche-tales with adult overtones, essentially making him a slave. When Nen Yim was assigned to the Baanu Miir, Aruh became her apprentice, and he quickly showed promise as a shaper. However, when Kae Kwaad came aboard, Aruh was forced to aid the mad shaper in his quest to create the prefect grutchin, even being used as a stool by Kwaad. Aruh was believed to have been killed when the Baanu Miir finally died.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



