Supreme Allied Commanders

Supreme Allied Commanders

The seven Supreme Allied Commanders and their functions were:

  • (Fleet)—the Alliance Fleet of combat warships and attached support units.
  • (OaS)—weapons, equipment and supply procurement, and also R&D
  • (StarCom)—administrative oversight of starfighter forces and pilot training; only a few "rogue" squadrons were under the direct operational control of StarCom
  • (Support)—bases, staging areas, supply ships, safeworlds, and manufacturing centers
  • (Intell)—espionage and analysis
  • (SpecForces)—the Alliance's ground troops
  • (SecCom)—oversight over the semi-autonomous Sector Forces controlled by governments and resistance groups that pledged allegiance to the Alliance

The Commanders

The identities of the following Supreme Allied Commanders are known. While each held the rank of Supreme Allied Commander, formal address varied.



