Superlaser firing station

Superlaser firing stations, also known as laser stations, were a series of eight computer stations onboard the various Death Stars to ready, power-up, and fire the battlestations superlaser. Located in the Superlaser Fire Control on the Theta Sector of the stations, there were four main stations plus four backup stations in case one of the main stations was knocked out, with the latter being on constant active standby.

Each station was composed of two mainframe controls with various instruments, gauges, and buttons. The leftmost mainframe contained eight system status boards, each depicted as a 6x4 grid screen with flashing colors of red, khaki, brown, and gray; as well as energy transfer relays, seen as four circular gauges, three electronic numerical devices that gauge radiation levels, as well as 26 vertical dials that detail the emitter crystal harmonics and various other dials and buttons. On the console of the same mainframe are a series of buttons that allow for laser station synchronization, as well as switches for targeting sensor refinement. The rightmost mainframe, like the leftmost mainframe, contained system status boards. They also contained two targeting displays towards its left side, as well as various circular switches for tributary beam alignment, a larger circular dial for focus-field polarity, several buttons and gauges for the charge status-indicator, a series of buttons flashing in green, orange, red, white, and purple that, alongside several switches on its right side, acted as the system ignition keypad for the superlaser.









