Sundered Heart

The Sundered Heart was a CR70 corvette used by Bail Organa around the time of the Declaration of a New Order. It was later heavily modified and converted into a CR90 corvette. During the early years of the Galactic Civil War, the Sundered Heart was the flagship of Captain Raymus Antilles.


The droid workshop aboard the Sundered Heart

The droid workshop aboard the Sundered Heart

The Sundered Heart had a very small hangar bay which could house one or two starfighters, depending on size. Obi-Wan Kenobi utilized this bay when he rendezvoused with the Sundered Heart after his battle against General Grievous on Utapau.

The Sundered Heart also had a droid workshop where C-3PO's memory was erased.

After its transformation into a CR90 corvette, the ship's added fins and extra engine compartments allowed it to move almost four times faster than a standard Corellian corvette. The Sundered Heart also carried special equipment that allowed it to weaken enemy fire on command by creating an energy flux.

Rise of the Empire

The Sundered Heart near the end of the Clone Wars

The Sundered Heart near the end of the Clone Wars

During the time of the Clone Wars, Senator Bail Organa would use the Sundered Heart as his personal vessel, often utilizing it to travel from Coruscant to his homeworld of Alderaan. After witnessing firsthand the attack on the Jedi Temple by the 501st Legion, Senator Organa departed Coruscant in an attempt to rescue as many of the few survivors of the Jedi Purge as he could. Using a stolen Jedi homing beacon, Organa was able to contact and rescue two of the last surviving members of the Jedi Council, Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had escaped the Order 66 attacks on Kashyyyk and Utapau.

Organa later took the Sundered Heart back to Coruscant so Yoda and Kenobi could alter a Jedi beacon at the Jedi Temple, to keep the rest of the Jedi Order safe. At the same time, Senator Organa's presence was requested at the Grand Convocation Chamber for the Declaration of a New Order. Afterward, Organa saved Yoda from a duel in the Senate Chamber, after losing to Darth Sidious.

Later, the Sundered Heart traveled to Naboo with the body of Padmé Amidala, who had died on Polis Massa shortly after the birth of her twins. It was aboard the Sundered Heart that the fates of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were decided. The House of Organa would adopt Leia on Alderaan, and the Lars family would adopt Luke on Tatooine. Yoda claimed to Kenobi that he had encountered the Force ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn, and said that he would be training Kenobi in his exile, as well as Yoda himself. Organa then ordered C-3PO's memory to be erased by Captain Raymus Antilles, to keep the locations of the twins a secret. Yoda left the vessel for his self exile to Dagobah via his escape pod, and Kenobi left as well for his self exile to Tatooine. The droids R2-D2 and C-3PO were assigned to the ship at this point.

Imperial Period

At some point, the Sundered Heart was modified with the Vanguard c20 retrofit suite, converting from a CR70 corvette to a CR90 corvette, as well as adding a more powerful engine bank than standard.

Captain Raymus Antilles received the ship as a gift for running aid and medical supplies past several Imperial blockades. Under Antilles, the ship participated in the battle of Kuat, where it destroyed six Imperial shipyards that orbited the planet, in order to begin the operation of stealing the X-wing prototypes. The Sundered Heart also rescued many Incom scientists as they were being transported to the spice mines of Kessel. Later, the ship participated in the battle of Atzerri.

During Operation Skyhook, and since he was in an official task, Raymus Antilles piloted the Tantive IV, rather than the Sundered Heart. The Tantive IV was captured during the battle of Tatooine and Raymus Antilles was killed by Darth Vader.

Behind the scenes

The Sundered Heart was first introduced in the 2006 game Star Wars: Empire at War, as a hero unit for the Rebel Alliance. In 2010, Leland Chee confirmed a retcon that Bail Organa's ship from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith was indeed the Sundered Heart, and not the Tantive IV, as was previously established.



















