
The Summit was a Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier which served the Galactic Empire's navy. Around 4 ABY, the vessel was assigned to transport a maintenance crew to the Kudo system on a mission to aid the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Celerity. It also carried Squadron Five of the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing for protection. Upon arrival in the system, it deployed the TIE interceptors but was disabled by an ion cannon shot from the Celerity.

While Squadron Five fought the Star Destroyer's TIE fighters, the Summit was ordered to surrender and not power up its hyperdrive, but the captain refused. Second Lieutenant Commander Teso Broosh warned the captain that Squadron Five would be unable to cover the cruiser-carrier's retreat, but the captain didn't heed his advice. The Summit attempted to jump to hyperspace, only to be destroyed by turbolaser fire from the Celerity before it could do so.


The Summit deploys Squadron Five in the Kudo system

The Summit deploys Squadron Five in the Kudo system

The Summit was a Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier, a cruiser and light carrier manufactured by SoroSuub Corporation which could carry 48 starfighters in its four hangar bays. Standing at 340 meters with a maximum speed of 250 kph, the cruiser-carrier was equipped with a hyperdrive, a navigation computer, deflector shield generators and five sublight engines. The interior of the vessel featured a bridge, a mess hall, a shooting range, and silver corridors which connected the rooms. The Summits armament featured two light turbolaser batteries and six dual laser cannon turrets.

Voyage for the Kudo system

Members of Squadron Five eat aboard the Summit.

Members of Squadron Five eat aboard the Summit.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Summit served as part of the navy Galactic Empire. Around 4 ABY, the cruiser-carrier was tasked with delivering a maintenance crew to the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Celerity, which had reported hyperdrive issues while in the Kudo system. With worries of Rebel Alliance forces making advancements towards the system, Squadron Five of the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing was sent to the vessel to escort the maintenance crew. While the Summit was en route to the Kudo system, members of the 204th squadron sat at the mess hall, where Flight Officer Ganem Kahi expressed his belief that the Alliance was no different to the Separatists.

After, another pilot, Lieutenant Lyttan Dree, approached the squadron commander, Second Lieutenant Commander Teso Broosh in the Summits hangar, where the two talked about Broosh's belief that they were expendable. Around that time, Senior Lieutenant Jeela Brebtin used the gun range, and Kahi and the pilot Zin Graw traversed the hallways, discussing their sympathies for the Alliance. Broosh later went to the cruiser-carrier's bridge, where he spoke with the captain about the status of the Celerity. The captain, fearing that Celeritys own fighter wing may be compromised, stressed that the maintenance crew needed more than just a single squadron as escort. Broosh reminded his colleague that the Empire's forces were stretched thin and told him to make sure his people were ready.


The Summit is destroyed

The Summit is destroyed

The Summit exited hyperspace in the Kudo system, deploying Squadron Five, which flew TIE/IN interceptors, upon arrival. The cruiser-carrier's bridge noticed that long range transmissions were being jammed and informed the squadron. One of the bridge officers began to report another observation when the Celerity shot the Summit with an ion cannon shot, disabling the latter vessel. The Star Destroyer then deployed its TIE fighter wing, which engaged Squadron Five. As the battle progressed, the enemy called for the Summit to be surrendered to a boarding party, threatening to destroy the vessel if it attempted to escape.

The Summits captain, though, refused to comply, despite Broosh's advice to do so as his squadron could not cover the cruiser-carrier's retreat. The captain told Squadron Five to stay behind and fight off TIEs and checked the status of the Summits navigation computer. A bridge officer confirmed the navcomputer worked but worried about the state of the shields. The captain advised the cruiser-carrier to jump anyway, and the Summit powered up its hyperdrive. As Squadron Five pilots discussed whether to protect the vessel, the Celeritys turbolasers fired on the Summit, destroying it instantly.

Commanders and crew

The Summit was commanded by an Imperial captain, with the bridge being manned by at least three personnel. The cruiser-carrier also carried Imperial Starfighter pilots, such as the ones of the 204th's Squadron Five.









