Sulfur Lake Pirates

The Sulfur Lake Pirates were a gang of pirates active during the height of Palpatine's Galactic Empire. On the desert planet of Lok, they were the main competitors of Nym's Lok Revenants.


The Sulfur Lake Pirate Hideout

The Sulfur Lake Pirate Hideout

The Sulfur Lake Pirates were known as the most bloodthirsty and least-intelligent pirates on Lok. They had a strong rivalry with the Lok Revenants and contested the position of the old Warlord Nym as the absolute ruler of Lok and the entire star system. Although they were clearly weaker than the Revenants, they aspired to overthrow Nym someday. Nevertheless, Nym had always tried to minimize the hostility between the two groups as much as possible in order to avoid a bloody and useless war on Lok.

Despite their brutality, the Sulfur Lake Pirates were regarded with disdain by other criminals who considered them stupid since the early days of the existence of the group. The pirates named themselves the Sulfur Lake Pirates because they built their secret hideout near the large Sulfur Lake on Lok. Hence, they unwittingly revealed to their rivals and enemies the location of their hidden lair. They therefore counterbalanced this mistake by establishing a sophisticated security system for their base. The pirates hired the engineer Choster to set up the defenses, but they attempted to assassinate him when the job was done.


The Sulfur Lake Pirates were active on the planet since as late as the early days of the Galactic Civil War and had always been in conflict with Nym's Revenants. After the Battle of Yavin, the pirates kept a large pharple, a flightless bird species from Lok, named Nym's Girlfriend to insult the leader of the Lok Revenants.

In 1 ABY, an Imperial starship crashed-landed near the hideout of the Sulfur Lake Pirates after it took off from a secret Imperial mining installation on Lok. Indeed, the Sulfur Lake Pirates were the first to discover the crashed starship and they salvaged anything valuable from its cargo. The crash was soon discovered by Nym and his head of security, Vana Sage. As the Revenants had never been able to infiltrate the Imperial mine, Vana Sage realized that the cargo could contain more information about the Imperial mining installation than everything they learnt before. Sage thus tasked a group of spacers who had recently joined the Lok Revenants with retrieving Imperial data from the cargo. The spacers and one of Nym's slicers then raided the Sulfur Lake Pirate Hideout. Thanks to the help of Choster, the engineer who was eager to take his revenge on the Sulfur Lake Pirates, the spacers and the slicer bypassed the pirate security system and infiltrated the base. During the assault, the spacers killed the pharple known as Nym's Girlfriend as well as the Bridge Troll, a large gurk trained by the Sulfur Lake Pirates to defend their hideout. They also placed surveillance devices all around the base and rescued a member of the Lok Revenants who had been captured. Finally, after having killed numerous pirates, the spacers collected the memory module of an Imperial droid.

After the attack on the Sulfur Lake Pirate Hideout, the tensions between the Lok Revenants and the Sulfur Lake Pirates turned to open war. Finally, after some time, Nym grew weary of the situation and proposed a truce to the Sulfur Lake Pirates. The pirates accepted but only because they saw an opportunity to take their revenge. A meeting was arranged in Kimogila Town, an abandoned city in the deserts of Lok. The group of Sulfur Lake "negotiators" was led by Cale Serasai, while the Lok Revenants were represented by the spacers responsible for the assault on the Sulfur Lake Pirate Hideout. Yet not long before the meeting took place, the pirates captured Sheeli, the sister of the engineer Choster. When the meeting began, Serasai indeed did not try to negotiate the peace but instead revealed that they had captured Sheeli. He threatened to kill her and ordered the Lok Revenants to hand over Choster. The spacer transmitted the request to Nym, but the Revenants leader refused to betray Choster. Many Sulfur Lake Pirates hidden in the ruins of Kimogila Town then suddenly attacked Nym's ambassadors. However, although the spacers were outnumbered, they successfully defended themselves and killed all the pirates. The only survivor was Cale Serasai, who begged to be spared and agreed to release Sheeli in exchange for his life.

The Sulfur Lake Pirates attack Nym's palace.

The Sulfur Lake Pirates attack Nym's palace.

After this new humiliation, Nym thought that the Sulfur Lake Pirates would try to strike back soon. Indeed, the pirates were already preparing their next move. A short time after the firefight in Kimogila Town, Nym planned to receive an envoy of politicians from Tatooine in his palace on Lok. But the pirates hijacked the shuttle of the Tatooinan and landed it in the courtyard of Nym's palace. As Nym and the other leaders of the Lok Revenants—Kole, Vana Sage and Jinkins—arrived to greet the envoys, the pirates unexpectedly emerged from the shuttle and attacked the Revenants. A battle therefore erupted in the palace. Finally, with the assistance of the loyal spacers, the Revenants eliminated every Sulfur Lake Pirate. Nym and all his lieutenants survived the attack.

Behind the scenes

The Sulfur Lake Pirates appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. The Sulfur Lake Pirates were added to the game as part of the so-called "Nym's Theme Park," released with the "Publish 3" on October 8, 2003. This questline was later revamped with the release of the "Game Update 16: Stronghold of the Lok Revenants," on March 23, 2010.







