Subjugation of Firro

The subjugation

At some point prior to the Battle of Yavin, the Galactic Empire completed a ruthless subjugation of the peaceful Core World planet Firro, home to a native non-Human species. The Imperial Army and Imperial Navy strove for many months to conquer the planet in a campaign that proved brutal even by the Empire's horrific standards, as the planet's native populace suffered many deaths and atrocities. Imperial participants in the subjugation of Firro included the Human male Ardan. Eventually, one Lord Cuvir, a vicious and draconian man, was proclaimed Firro's Imperial governor.

As a show of benevolence, the Empire provided a woefully inadequate medical team to treat Firro's seemingly endless flow of wounded refugees. The medical staff, highly dedicated nonetheless, included the surgical droid 2-1B, who worked continuously throughout the months-long subjugation to help Firro's countless casualties in their great pain and suffering. Firro's wounded eventually began to decrease as the Empire settled in for a long of the planet.




