Stromma council

The Stromma council was the government of the Stromma species, allies of the Quesoth species. By 8 ABY, its worlds were attacked by Storm-hair Warlord Nuso Esva and his force, but were liberated by the Empire of the Hand's Grand Admiral Thrawn.


The Stromma council was the Stromma species' government. A number of planets, including the Unknown Regions planet Oristrom—the Stromma homeworld—were under the jurisdiction of the council. Stromma council liaisons spoke for the government.


Grand Admiral Thrawn helped the Stromma council in its conflict with Nuso Esva.

Grand Admiral Thrawn helped the Stromma council in its conflict with Nuso Esva.

By 8 ABY, the Storm-hair Warlord Nuso Esva attacked the Stromma council's worlds, including Oristrom. On the latter world, the Stromma had the upper hand in a battle against Esva's forces until the warlord returned to Oristrom and assumed personal command of his forces. However, Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Empire of the Hand was able to drive the Storm-hair off the Stromma homeworld after studying some art. Although Thrawn's empire had helped the Stromma council in their struggle against Esva, some of the government's members blamed the Empire of the Hand for the destruction their worlds had suffered. Other Stromma joined the Empire of the Hand as stormtroopers of the Imperial Stromma contingent.

In 8 ABY, the council sent Stromma Council Liaison Nyama and his to the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Admonitor to discuss an attack on Esva, who was hiding on the Unknown Regions planet Quethold, homeworld of the Quesoth species. After Thrawn explained that he would use his stormtroopers to defeat Esva's Quesoth Soldiers, Nyama withdrew all Stromma from Imperial service, as he believed that the Quesoth could not be defeated by stormtroopers and that the Stromma stormtroopers would die for nothing. The liaison remarked that the Stromma council would not risk its warriors in Thrawn's "mad attack."

Behind the scenes

The Stromma council was mentioned in the novella Crisis of Faith, written by Timothy Zahn and published in 2011 as part of the 20th Anniversary Edition of the 1991 novel Heir to the Empire.



