

Like most comets, its chemical makeup consisted mostly of frozen water, which covered 93.4% of the planet's surface and had a solid core. Only small pockets of rock reached through to the surface. The core was mostly rock, but also had deposits of iridium, heglum, and malsarr. Traces of these elements could be found in the water as well, but generally it was of great purity.

Vanyets and Tsorria were the northern and southern ice caps and the only permanent frozen parts of ice. While during the summer, most of the ice melted and the sea levels rose, almost all water was frozen during the winter. The weather was dominated by rain, storms and fog, which never reached a violent level due to the lack of notable drastic differences in temperature. A small part of the atmosphere "leaked" into space and formed a small, but visible "tail", similar to a comet.

Stroiketcy's wild, elliptical orbit, brought it within 100,000 km of the orbit of the planet Fiddanl and beyond Yavin's for a period of time. The distance to the sun also dictated the climate of Stroiketcy and due to the resulting "slingshot"-effect of the orbit, the summer was much shorter than the winter.


Stroiketcy was first charted by Corellian explorers, who named the planet for the visible tail of leaking atmosphere, which was clearly visible from space. They also named the two poles. Their surveys discovered that the planet was suitable for water mining and, during a certain period in the middle of the planet's orbit, prospecting iridium and malsarr deposits.

During the Yuuzhan Vong occupation of the Yavin system, Stroiketcy was used for the mining of water.


There was a possibility that the comet supported a form of molecular life during the summer period. The early explorers found structures in the water, similar to the Rubygrub cyst of Loth. The water had a great purity and only trace amounts of "universal toxins", but these favorable conditions were neutralized by the long winter periods and thin atmosphere.




