
The Stranger was the name given to a Wizard of the Night Spirit by the Ewok children of Bright Tree Village on the Forest Moon of Endor. Years before 3 ABY, the Stranger fought alongside his people in a decisive battle with Ewok shamans only to see his entire race banished to the "otherworld," a devastated wasteland far from the Forest Moon. However, the creature plotted to return to the moon and exact his revenge upon the Ewoks. Sometime around 3 ABY, the Stranger succeeded in escaping the otherworld and made his way back to Endor.

After arriving, the Stranger began a campaign against the Ewoks, seeking to capture the Sunstar, a powerful stone artifact that the Ewoks had used to banish the Stranger and all the Wizards of the Night Spirit to the otherworld. After finally gaining possession of the stone, the Stranger entered the Stone Circle and prepared to use the Sunstar to summon his people back to Endor. With the artifact's incredible abilities, the Stranger opened a rift in space, letting the rest of his species through. However, in another showdown with the Ewoks, the Wizards of the Night Spirit were sorely defeated, and, due to the efforts of Wicket Wystri Warrick and Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, the Stranger was forced back into banishment.

Early life

The Stranger comes through the rift in space in his ship.

The Stranger comes through the rift in space in his ship.

The Stranger was one of many Wizards of the Night Spirit who originated from the Forest Moon of Endor. The Stranger and his people were servants of the Night Spirit, an evil deity who was the source of all darkness on the moon. The Wizards were located within the thorn forest, a vast expanse that was said to be rife with the presence of the Night Spirit. In their home, they carried out arcane rituals involving their Stone Circle.

At some point, ages before the Battle of Endor of 4 ABY, the Wizards came into conflict with the moon's native Ewoks, who opposed the supporters of the Night Spirit. An epic showdown resulted that saw the Ewoks employing the Sunstar, a powerful stone artifact with incredible powers. The object was placed on a table within the center of the Stone Circle and spun clockwise, resulting in a beam of golden energy erupting from the stone. The beam also opened a tear in space and forced the Stranger and all of the Wizards off the Forest Moon and into the rift.

The rift closed as soon as the Wizards had entered, and they found themselves trapped within. On a devastated "otherworld," the Stranger and the rest of his kin spent many ages waiting for the rift to open again, so that they might return to Endor and exact revenge on the Ewoks who had banished them to their new home.

A chance for revenge

The Stranger obtains the Sunstar.

The Stranger obtains the Sunstar.

The Wizards waited patiently on their new home, remaining constantly vigilant should the rift open again. In 3 ABY, after many years of waiting, two moons of Endor aligned over the world, temporarily opening the rift once more. Luckily for the Wizards, the Stranger was on watch; seeing the rift open, he quickly shot through the rift in his speedy capsule. The Wizards' long waiting had finally paid off.

As the Stranger sped across the surface of the Forest Moon, he quickly located his former home and landed on the outskirts of the Ewoks' Bright Tree Village, the home of the Sunstar. Climbing out of the craft, soon to self-destruct, the Stranger glided through the mists as he made his way toward the Ewok village. Just as the Stranger was leaving his doomed ship, he spied the young Ewoks Wicket Wystri Warrick and Teebo as they came upon his recently landed craft. However, the Stranger left them alone.

An unfair partnership

The Stranger uses the Sunstar to fire a bolt of energy.

The Stranger uses the Sunstar to fire a bolt of energy.

On his way to the village, the Stranger realized his need for a distraction so that he could lay his hands on the Sunstar unnoticed. For that endeavor, the Stranger sought out Endor's native Duloks and their King Gorneesh. The aggressive Duloks were also servants of the Night Spirit, and he knew they would answer to his commands. As the Stranger slowly glided into the Dulok's swamp, Gorneesh tried to stop the Stranger from approaching. However, the Stranger was not unarmed, and he used beams within his eyes to badly shock the arrogant Dulok. With the rest of the tribe's attention, the Stranger ordered them to follow him to Bright Tree Village. Gorneesh was no longer in any mood to disagree, and he echoed the Stranger's decree, commanding his soldiers to obey.

The Stranger and his band of Duloks were soon at the Ewok village, where he ordered the tribe to attack and ransack the sleeping settlement. The Duloks did as they were told, and a war call rang out among the Dulok warriors as they began to raid the Ewok homes. As chaos ensued, the Ewoks became aware of the Duloks' presence, and the two groups were soon locked in a clash of arms. As Ewok Chief Chirpa tried to force the Duloks away from his village, the Stranger used the distraction to find the Sunstar and capture it for himself. With the Sunstar in his possession, the Stranger fled from the battlefield, but not before being spotted by four young Ewoks, including Wicket and Teebo, whom he had earlier ignored.

To prevent the children from sounding the alarm, the Stranger used the Sunstar to create a raging fire on the bridge on which the children were standing. Leaving the young ones to be consumed by the rapidly rising flames, the Stranger sped to the forest floor, where Gorneesh and his Shaman, Umwak, were waiting to celebrate the capture of the Sunstar. While the Dulok King believed himself to be in a partnership with the Stranger and was ready to share the Sunstar, the dark wizard had no such thing in mind. He declared that the Duloks had served their purpose and ordered them to leave. When Gorneesh protested, he used the Sunstar to fire several bolts of energy at them, forcing a retreat.

The summoning

The Stranger is tackled by Wicket W. Warrick.

The Stranger is tackled by Wicket W. Warrick.

With his objective achieved, the Stranger sped back to his former home in the thorn forest, intending to use the Stone Circle in tandem with the Sunstar so that he could summon his people back to the Forest Moon. However, a problem immediately presented itself. The old Ewok shaman Logray was waiting for the Stranger with his staff of magic, prepared for battle. Unfortunately for the ancient Ewok, the power of the Sunstar easily overwhelmed him, and the Stranger quickly trapped the meddling shaman in a force field and placed him above one of the many stone columns making up the Stone Circle. As Logray looked on, the Stranger taunted the Ewok, claiming that the Wizards' and the Ewoks' fates would soon be reversed. After showing Logray the devastated world to which the Wizards had been banished, he placed the Sunstar on the stone table and spun it counterclockwise, which created a purple column of energy unlike the gold column used against the Wizards many years before.

The powerful beam from the Sunstar moved two of the moons of Endor into alignment once again, creating the deep tear in space. As the beam held the moons in place, the Stranger's people flooded through, ready to re-enter the world and claim it as their own once again. As the Stranger witnessed the arrival of his kin, he had failed to notice the young Ewoks, whom he had left to die, stealthily approaching. The children had braved the fire and were ready to rescue Logray. With the Stranger distracted, Wicket and his sweetheart, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, attacked the Stranger, knocking off his cloak in the process. The Stranger was rattled but not hurt and ordered his people to attack the young Ewoks.


The Stranger and the stone table are forced back through the rift due to the power of the Sunstar.

The Stranger and the stone table are forced back through the rift due to the power of the Sunstar.

With Logray fearfully looking on, the Stranger led his people in trying to round up the Ewok children. However, due to the amateur abilities shown by the young sorcerer Teebo, several of the Wizards found themselves changed by magical potions and objects, shrinking in size and taking on the forms of rocks. To make matters worse for the Wizards, the warriors of Bright Tree Village had discovered the whereabouts of Logray and had come to the rescue. The Stranger ordered his forces to destroy the Ewoks, and the Wizards were soon diving and attacking the advancing Ewok warriors. As the Stranger looked on, he soon witnessed the young Ewoks Wicket and Kneesaa clinging to a flying Wizard with a rope. As the Ewoks rapidly approached the Stranger, they jumped from the rope and onto the unaware Stranger, who could not get out of the way in time. The group soon toppled to the ground in front of the stone table, which was still displaying the Sunstar doing its job of holding the rift open.

As the Stranger shrugged the two Ewoks off him, he heard Logray yelling to Wicket and Kneesaa to spin the Sunstar in the opposite direction. As Kneesaa tried to run forward and do that, the Stranger made one last attempt to keep the Sunstar in his possession. However, before he could do anything, Wicket quickly jumped onto the Stranger's back, pinning him to the ground. When the Stranger was finally able to shake the troublesome Ewok from his back, Kneesaa had used her grappling hook to spin the Sunstar in the clockwise direction, changing the force of the beam.

The Stranger cried out to his brothers, knowing that that was the exact thing that had helped banish them so many years before. As the Ewok warriors grabbed onto the ground and trees around them, the flying Wizards were sucked up into the air by the power of the Sunstar and forced back through the rift. The Stranger made one last attempt to stop the Ewoks, grabbing onto Wicket and preparing to bring at least one Ewok with him, especially the one who had spelled his doom.

Unfortunately for the Stranger, Kneesaa came once again to the rescue, throwing Wicket's Belt of Honor around the Stranger's outstretched hands. The strong leather belt soon had the Stranger's hands tied, and he released Wicket from his grasp. In a last attempt of desperation, the Stranger held tight to the stone table holding the Sunstar. However, the power was too great, and the Sunstar forced the Stranger off the Forest Moon, carrying the stone table with him as the Sunstar tumbled to the forest floor.


As the Wizards were forced back into banishment, they carried a part of the Stone Circle with them. For the Ewoks of Bright Tree Village, it proved a sobering event, and further proof of the dangers of the Night Spirit's influence. The Belt of Honor that Kneesaa had used to save Wicket from being carried away meant that Wicket had to start filling up his belt all over again, even though he had already placed several items on his old one. The young Ewok children who had helped confront the Stranger and defeat the Wizards of the Night Spirit were all awarded Beads of Bravery.

Personality and traits

The Stranger was a ruthless individual who used others to attain his goals and cared little for anyone's welfare save for his own people. He was driven by revenge and would gladly have seen the entire population of Ewoks die for their actions in banning his people from the Forest Moon and stranding them in the otherworld. He also did not respect other servants of the Night Spirit such as the Duloks, leaving them to fight the Ewoks on their own after he had attained the Sunstar for himself.

Additionally, he proved arrogant in his powers, using them to intimidate and threaten others to get people to follow his orders. However, the Stranger also proved a patient being, waiting years in banishment before finally seizing the chance to seek revenge when the rift to the Forest Moon finally reopened. Although he had no hair, the Stranger had black eyes and purple skin, and had large, pointed teeth. After arriving on Endor in 3 ABY, he wore a cloak that concealed his appearance until it was knocked off by Wicket and Kneesaa.

Powers and abilities

The Stranger shoots dangerous lightning from his eyes.

The Stranger shoots dangerous lightning from his eyes.

The Stranger was powerful in the Force and had many abilities. The most prominent of these was the ability to shoot energy beams out of his eyes, which could be used to cause pain or to stir action within inanimate objects, such as the Sunstar, on which the Stranger executed that ability to cause it to turn counterclockwise.

In addition to that power, the Stranger was talented with the Sunstar, with which he was able to create fire, shoot dangerous laser bolts, trap a person in a force field, and even move two of Endor's moons into alignment so as to open a rift in the sky for his people to fly through. As a flying creature, the Stranger was very maneuverable and was able to turn and use his powers in any direction.

Behind the scenes

The Stranger was created by Paul Dini for "Night of the Stranger," the twenty-first episode of the Ewoks cartoon show. The episode first aired on October 11, 1986. In the episode, the Stranger utilizes a number of magical powers. The Hyperspace article Castaways of Endor states that all ritualistic magic shown in Star Wars: Ewoks is performed through the use of the Force. As such, this article classifies the Stranger as Force-sensitive.

The Stranger, in his cloaked appearance, appears in the opening credits of the second season of Star Wars: Ewoks. In the opening animation, the Stranger uses the Sunstar to fire a bolt of energy at the Ewoks, but Wicket is able to knock into him, causing him to drop the Sunstar, where Kneesaa catches it. Kneesaa then uses the Sunstar to fire a bolt of energy at the Stranger.




