Stone guardian

The stone guardians were equipped with a sensitive which allowed them to see in dim and dark conditions and hear a wide range of sounds. If one were to approach the domain of the guardian or touch it, they would be activated and then resemble semi-humanoid creatures animated by unknown powers. The droids also were armed with , which unleashed powerful torrents of energy.

In 19 BBY, the temple was visited by members of the Frangawl Cult, who controlled the Temple of Malmourral and thus the stone guardians. Soon after the cult's arrival, their pursuers also arrived—Jedi Master Mace Windu and Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks. While approaching the temple, Binks accidentally touched one of the stone guardians, which caused all of them to come alive and attack both Binks and Windu. After a brief engagement, all of the guardians defending the temple were destroyed, and Binks captured one of their heavy energy projectors.


  • Nexus of Power



