
Stell was a human who lived during the rise of the Galactic Empire. After Stell and their partner Rebb witnessed the Empire's forces firsthand, the two decided that they could not raise their children under its control. They became disciples of the Jedi Padawan Ferren Barr, who promised to give them purpose and help them take down the Empire, following him to the planet Mon Cala. However, in 18 BBY they were found by the Imperial Sith Lord Darth Vader and members of the Jedi-hunting Inquisitorius, who chased them to Mon Cala's Bel City. There, Stell and Rebb stayed behind to slow Vader and his team down so that the others of their group could escape.

Going against the Empire

Stell and Rebb watch the Galactic Empire occupy their home.

Stell and Rebb watch the Galactic Empire occupy their home.

After the founding of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the human romantic partners Stell and Rebb witnessed their home being occupied by the new government. Rebb immediately expressed hatred for the Imperial forces taking over and insisted that their children should not live under the Empire's rule, but Stell doubted that they could do anything to resist it. However, because Stell was dedicated to Rebb and valued them above anything else, Stell pretended to be devoted to fighting the Empire and agreed to resist it alongside Rebb. Later, Stell and Rebb met the Iktotchi Ferren Barr at a cantina. Barr claimed to be a Jedi Master, despite only being a Padawan who had fallen to the dark side of the Force, and told the two that he would give them a purpose in fighting the Empire. Rebb, speaking for both of them, agreed to join him.

In 18 BBY, Stell, Rebb, Barr, and four other disciples of Barr were based on the planet Mon Cala. Emperor Palpatine sent the Sith Lord Darth Vader to Mon Cala to investigate, with Vader arriving accompanied by three Inquisitors—former Jedi turned Jedi hunters—and a squad of Purge Troopers. Barr was soon notified of Vader's presence on the planet by Mon Calamari King Lee-Char.

Last stand on Mon Cala

Stell and Rebb make their last stand.

Stell and Rebb make their last stand.

While Imperial forces approached, Barr displayed biographical elements of Vader's life via a hologram and told Stell and the other disciples that Vader's secret past identity was that of the Jedi Anakin Skywalker. Barr explained to his disciples that after Vader had betrayed and helped destroy the Jedi Order, he began hunting any surviving Jedi alongside the Inquisitors. Shortly thereafter, Barr was notified that Vader had discovered their location and was likely on his way, with the Iktotchi deciding to evacuate his refuge. Stell and the other disciples put on self-contained dive suits in order to swim and breathe underwater before Barr revealed that he planned for them to flee the planet. The disciples then left the refuge and traveled using Underwater Turbo Sled Pikes, only to find Vader and his team had arrived in an Imperial submarine.

While Stell and the others scattered, the disciple Nipaltoo attacked Vader's submarine but was killed when Vader crushed their helmet with the Force. As Barr directed Stell and the others toward Bel City, the disciple Orvek turned around to buy the others enough time to reach the city alive. At the city's entrance, Rebb decided to stay behind to slow down Vader's forces even more. Refusing to leave Rebb's side, Stell pledged to stay with them and help. After Barr fled down a corridor with the remaining disciples, Stell and Rebb once again told each other, while brandishing blasters, that nothing else mattered, with Rebb referring to the fight against the Empire and Stell referring to Rebb.

Personality and traits

Stell was a human who had pale skin, brown hair, and green eyes. Stell was completely devoted to Rebb and believed nothing mattered more to them than Rebb, even joining Rebb when they decided to assist Barr with resisting the Empire. When Rebb decided to stay behind in Bel City, Stell did not hesitate to stay with them. Barr believed the actions of the two showed their courage.

Skills and abilities

Stell could wield a blaster and drive an Underwater Turbo Sled Pike.


When they witnessed the Empire's occupation, Stell wore a gray shirt with brown lines as well as gray pants. When speaking with Ferren Barr later, they wore a gray tunic with brown shoulder pads. As one of Barr's disciples, Stell wore Jedi apparel. They also utilized a scuba-diving outfit, an Underwater Turbo Sled Pike, and a blaster while trying to escape Mon Cala.

Behind the scenes

Stell first appeared in the fourteenth issue of Marvel Comics' comic series Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017), which was written by Charles Soule and penciled by Giuseppe Camuncoli on April 11, 2018. They were first identified as Stell in the sixteenth issue of the series, also written by Soule and released on May 9 of the same year. Although Stell's fate is left ambiguous, a flashback of their earlier life occurred after Stell's chronologically final appearance, similar to flashbacks following the deaths of other disciples of Ferren Barr. On April 13, 2019, when asked on Twitter if Stell would return, Soule joked that an ongoing comic series about Stell had been approved.






