Statue of Tarre Vizsla

A statue of Tarre Vizsla was located on the planet Mandalore, the Outer Rim homeworld of the Mandalorian people. The statue honored Tarre Vizsla, an ancient leader of Mandalore and the first Mandalorian to join the Jedi Order. The large, carved likeness of Vizsla was a symbol of hope to all Mandalorians and an acknowledgement of Mandalorian history.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the occupying Imperial forces took over the statue and used it as an outpost. However, in 2 BBY, the Mandalorians Sabine and Tristan Wren liberated the statue.


Tarre Vizsla's likeness was immortalized by the statue.

Tarre Vizsla's likeness was immortalized by the statue.

Located in the desert region of the Outer Rim planet Mandalore, the resplendently-carved statue of Tarre Vizsla stood 93 meters (305 feet) tall. It was built in honor of Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian ever inducted into the Jedi Order and a respected former leader of Mandalore. Representing hope and history, the statue depicted Vizsla cloaked and armored, holding the Darksaber, Vizsla's famed weapon, which symbolized leadership in Mandalorian culture. Notably, Vizsla did not hold the blade aloft in battle, but instead stoically pointed it at the ground, symbolically denoting the soil of the Mandalorian homeworld. The larger-than-life statue was located near a main road and could be seen from miles away and stood for many years.


Sabine and Tristan Wren discovered the Imperials had taken over the statue.

Sabine and Tristan Wren discovered the Imperials had taken over the statue.

As a child, the Mandalorian Sabine Wren accompanied her father, Alrich Wren, to see the statue, an outing she remembered fondly for years after. During the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire constructed a militarized outpost on the statue, defacing it. During a covert mission on Mandalore in 2 BBY, Sabine, now a rebel fighter, and her brother Tristan Wren discovered stormtroopers and Imperial fortifications built onto the statue. Sabine, personally wielding the Darksaber, joined Tristan in destroying the outpost, restoring the statue's original appearance. Vizsla's statue was mentioned in "Mandalorians Through the Ages," a publication by the historian Eloc Throno.

Behind the scenes

The statue of Tarre Vizsla first appeared in the Forces of Destiny animated series, debuting in "Art History," the eleventh episode of the show's second season, which was released on May 4, 2018.




