Star Wars Adventures: Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragonsnakes

Publisher's summary

The movie The Empire Strikes Back shows us only a small portion of Luke Skywalker's Jedi training under the tutelage of Master Yoda. In this story, witness a never-before-seen part of that training as Luke is given the task of finding -- and retrieving -- an object guarded by the deadliest creatures on the swamp world of Dagobah: the monstrous dragonsnakes! This is the most harrowing, dangerous, and muddiest mission that Luke has ever faced!

Back-cover summary

On the swampy planet of Dagobah, Luke Skywalker trains to become a Jedi Knight with the powerful - and quirky - Jedi Master Yoda. Though his teaching methods are strange, Yoda is the only one who can prepare Luke for his destiny: saving the galaxy from Darth Vader and the Emperor!

The task before Luke now is to find and retrieve an object guarded by one of the deadliest creatures in the swamp, the fearsome dragonsnake! Our hero in training will face more than just monstrous swamp creatures, and he'll need more than just himself to succeed in his mission. It's a good thing that the Force is with him!

Plot summary

Luke Skywalker is being trained to be a Jedi by Master Yoda, who lives on the planet Dagobah. Yoda teaches him the ways of the Force, and then sends Luke on a mission to defeat the King of the Dragonsnakes and receive its treasure. After weakening the massive dragonsnake, Luke chases it into the Lair of the King of the Dragonsnakes, where it is defeated, and Luke brings the Accipiptero egg to Master Yoda.


Although this is the third comic to be released in the series, the stories do not follow a specific order, even though they all take place around the same time.






