Star Wars (1987 video game)


Gameplay from Star Wars

Gameplay from Star Wars

While the game is based on Episode IV, Namco took several liberties with its storyline. For instance, Luke must rescue some of the main characters from the movie (R2-D2, C-3PO, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Princess Leia, Chewbacca and Han Solo), who are trapped on distinct planets. Luke travels using the Millennium Falcon (which in the movie was piloted only by Chewie and Han) in order to find them. On each planet, the boss appear to be none other than the Sith Darth Vader, who is typically impersonated by shapeshifting entities who will sometimes transform into a giant scorpion, a Wampa, a shark, or a pterosaur in order to continue attacking. Vader himself is eventually fought for real on the Death Star, as well as on Yavin 4.

The planets themselves are portrayed very differently than in the mainstream franchise's universe (Kessel contains ruins that resemble that of Ancient Egypt, for example), and some don't appear in the film (such as the icy planet, which, although named "Tina" in-game, is most likely Hoth). In addition, Chewbacca in this game has some ability to speak Galactic Basic Standard, even though neither the films nor most Expanded Universe materials even hint at him being capable of speaking anything other than his native tongue.

Other differences include the use of a lightsaber and the Force, the latter of which Luke learned very little of until Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. In addition, Luke's in-game appearance is black haired, although instruction manual illustrations depict him with yellow hair, closer to his actual sandy-blond hair color.

Transforming Vader

According to both "Game On!," an article published in Star Wars Insider 135, and the game manual, the fake Vaders were "intended as illusions representing Luke's fears, like the Cave of Evil scene in Empire Strikes Back." However, those "illusions" were able to kidnap Luke Skywalker's allies and hold them prisoner.













