Star Wars (1977) 33

Star Wars 33: Saber Clash is the thirty-third issue in the Marvel Star Wars series of comics.

Plot summary

As the Millennium Falcon and her crew depart Tatooine they recognize a House of Tagge Mining Explorer readying to jump to hyperspace. The Rebels decide to follow them to Feriae Junction where the Mining Explorer meets with an Imperial battlecruiser. There the Tagges transfer their mysterious Omega Frost technology to the Imperial craft, and lure Luke Skywalker into a trap. With Luke captured, Han Solo pilots the Falcon to the Rebel base at Yavin 4 to let them know that the Empire plans to use their Omega Frost weapon against Junction, a critical source of supplies for the Alliance. Back on the Mining Explorer Luke engages in a lightsaber duel with Baron Orman Tagge, and at first the elder Tagge toys with Luke, but soon realizes that the youth has more ability than he expected. Luke eventually defeats Tagge by destroying his cyber-vision and thus rendering him helpless, and heads back to the Rebel base to inform them of the true target of the Omega Frost weapon since the news that Han brought back was misinformation.

Behind the scenes

Ironically Luke's lightsaber on this issue's cover is miscolored red, the traditional color of the Sith, while Baron Tagge's lightsaber is colored green, one of the traditional lightsaber blade colors of the Jedi.


  • Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 2: Dark Encounters
  • Star Wars Omnibus: A Long Time Ago.... Volume 2
  • Star Wars: The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Vol. 1
  • Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Original Marvel Years Vol. 2












