Star Wars: Vector

Star Wars: Vector is a comic storyline released by Dark Horse in 2008. It included the writers John Ostrander and John Jackson Miller, and covered a single character's journey through the continuities of Knights of the Old Republic, Dark Times, Rebellion, and Legacy. The pivotal character in all the story line is Celeste Morne.

The storyline proceeded from Knights of the Old Republic, to Dark Times, then to Rebellion, and finally to Legacy, with each chapter being essentially self-contained. According to Ostrander, the events of Vector were intended to have lasting influence all four comics, with the future direction of Legacy being written based on the events of Vector. Jan Duursema did the art for the Legacy portion. Vector was collected in two trade paperbacks, the first for Knights of the Old Republic and Dark Times, the second for Rebellion and Legacy.

Plot summary

Vector art by Scott Hepburn

Vector art by Scott Hepburn

When a terrible vision reaching more than 4,000 years into the future alerts the secret Jedi Covenant to the importance of Taris, they activate an operative already on this planet overrun by Mandalorians. There, in the deadly Undercity, a monstrous, ancient threat is unleashed that plunges Zayne Carrick, the Padawan accused of killing his fellow students, into an adventure which will eventually span four thousand years and involve Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, and the principals of the Legacy series.

The ancient threat in question was the Muur Talisman, a golden Sith artifact in the shape of a insect-like creature with one jeweled eye. The Muur Talisman was created by Karness Muur, a Sith Lord, and had the power to infect all non-Force-sensitive beings with the Rakghoul Plague. The talisman also carried Muur's spirit, which tried to take over the mind of any Force-user who wore it, and, through him/her, control the Rakghouls.

Zayne Carrick and Celeste Morne found the talisman on Taris, but it attached itself to Morne. Carrick then placed her in a Sith-designed suspended animation sarcophagus, promising to send help. She remained in stasis for thousands of years. The sarcophagus was recovered by the crew of the Uhumele and was fought over by several factions.

Celeste Morne was reanimated on a lifeless moon. She briefly fought Darth Vader, while resisting the control of Muur's spirit. Vader was forced to retreat when the Rakghoul plague started to consume his men. Morne was left stranded with only her mindless rakghouls and a Sith spirit for company.

Years later, Vader led the Rebels into a trap by leaking information that the moon Morne was left on was the home of an Imperial secret weapon. Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo lead a recovery team to the moon. Once there, many of the Rebels fell victim to the plague, or to the Rakghouls themselves. Luke did battle with Morne and was defeated. Leia came to the rescue and was briefly possessed by the Muur Talisman, but Morne, now free of the talisman's control, chose to take back the talisman to keep Muur's spirit trapped with her. She and her rakghouls escaped on one of the rebel vessels.

Over a century later, Morne, now in command of a rakghoul-infested Star Destroyer, intercepted Cade Skywalker and his companions as they attempted to assassinate Sith Emperor Darth Krayt. Impressed by Cade's ability to conquer the Rakghoul plague with his Dark transfer, Morne joined with him to aid in overcoming Krayt.
