Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds

Announcement and promotion

Promotional Key Art for the expansion

Promotional Key Art for the expansion

At the beginning of the year, BioWare announced that they would be releasing two more expansions in 2014 after Galactic Starfighter, which was released in February. Galactic Strongholds was not confirmed or even hinted at during this time. Prior to the official announcement, Galactic Strongholds was teased as the "SSHP", or "Super Secret Housing Project". On one of the game's community live streams, the developers released a short teaser displaying a character walking through an apartment on Coruscant. Nothing else was said about the expansion until the official announcement on March 19.

Much like the release of Galactic Starfighter, there were a variety of benefits announced for subscribers and preferred access players. Subscribers and preferred access players were planned to be given early access to the expansion in June and July of 2014 respectively, with an official launch in August.

In April, it was announced that the expansion had been delayed. Subscribers and preferred access players were given new early access dates of August 19, and September 16. The full release was delayed to October 14, 2014. Along with early access, Subscribers will be given a free Nar Shaddaa apartment, a "Stronghold Label", and a Character title. Preferred players will be granted the label and the title, but without the free apartment. When the expansion is released to the public in October, they will only receive the title. When the expansion's delay was confirmed, additional content was also announced. Players will be able to purchase a stronghold on the planet of Tatooine, as well as use their guild ships to compete with other guilds for the control of a planet. Features inside strongholds will be expanded as well, allowing players to place pets, companions, and vehicles inside their homes as they please.


  • Dromund Kaas/Coruscant (5000 credits)
  • Nar Shaddaa (250.000 credits)
  • Tatooine (2.000.000 credits)
  • Yavin 4 (2.000.000 credits)
  • Manaan (2.500.000 credits)
  • Umbara (8.000 credits)
  • Rishi (3.000.000 credits)
  • Alderaan (4.000.000 credits)
  • Vaiken Spacedock/Carrick Station (8 Galactic Seasons Tokens)












