Star Wars: The Magic of Myth

Star Wars: The Magic of Myth is a traveling exhibition created by the Smithsonian Institute, featuring props and costumes used in the Star Wars films, but focusing primarily on the mythic themes behind George Lucas' fantasy worlds and characters using Joseph Campbell's influential book The Hero With a Thousand Faces as a model.


The Millennium Falcon with a painting of the second Death Star from the original Smithsonian Exhibition

The Millennium Falcon with a painting of the second Death Star from the original Smithsonian Exhibition

Boba Fett's armor from the original Smithsonian Exhibition

Boba Fett's armor from the original Smithsonian Exhibition





In various parts of the exhibit there conceptual art and design pieces by Ralph McQuarrie, Doug Chiang, John Mollo, Joe Johnston, Norman Reynolds, Nilo Rodis-Jamero, Paul LeBlanc, and Marilee Heyer as well as the conceptual storyboards by Alex Tavoularis.

An interactive exhibit where visitor's could use the Force to raise the X-Wing from the swamp on Dagobah

An interactive exhibit where visitor's could use the Force to raise the X-Wing from the swamp on Dagobah


Tour Schedule

