Star Wars: Galactic Conflict

Star Wars: Galactic Conflict, titled 《星球大戰:銀河衝突》 in the original traditional Chinese and 《星球大战:银河冲突》 in the original simplified Chinese, is a free-to-play MMORPG featuring the Clone Wars. It was developed for mobile Android devices by China's Yoozoo Games with Taiwan's Gravity company distributing the game through their Hong Kong subsidiary Gamesword.

Disney had agreed with Yoozoo Games to make Galactic Conflict by 2018, but it was delayed and ultimately canceled when the game's development cumulated in legal disputes in Shanghai and Taipei. A Google Play webpage was created for the game on April 26, 2020, indicating that the game was downloaded twenty times, but it was never officially released.

Plot summary

A promotional illustration of Star Wars: Galactic Conflict set on Christophsis.

A promotional illustration of Star Wars: Galactic Conflict set on Christophsis.

The game is set in the early days of the Clone Wars, which began in 22 BBY. It focuses on the struggle between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems for an ancient "" technology that enables quick travel across the galaxy from a Republic perspective. The game involves settings such as Jedha, Christophsis, Carnelion IV, Felucia, and Naboo.


A promotional gameplay image for Star Wars: Galactic Conflict.

A promotional gameplay image for Star Wars: Galactic Conflict.

Star Wars: Galactic Conflict is a canceled free-to-play MMORPG mobile game for Android devices. A brief explanation of the game's gameplay mechanics and capabilities is publicly listed on its Google Play webpage, though the game is unavailable for download.

The game allows players to pick one of three character classes; Jedi, ARC, and Mercenary. Each class provides unique abilities for players to upgrade as they gain experience by progressing through the game. Along with unique abilities, there are over 300 weapons available to choose from, giving the option for players to build various ways and strategies to play. Players can also ride various vehicles of the Clone Wars era, such as the ARC-170, the vulture droid, and more. It takes players to varying planets across the galaxy to fight against the Separatist Droid Army, with each planet presenting a unique biome and ecology.

Additionally, Star Wars: Galactic Conflict also features online raid battles against popular characters of the franchise alongside thousands of other players on a single screen. Winning such battles will grant players high-value equipment. It also features a legion system where players can team together to take planetary strongholds and build bases to upgrade and defend, improving their reputation as a team in the online national leaderboards. While the game can be played for free, it provides microtransactions for players to purchase virtual currency and items with real money.

Release information

Titled 《星球大戰:銀河衝突》 in traditional Chinese on Google Play with the English translation Star Wars: Galactic Conflict, the video game is listed as an MMORPG that could be played on mobile Android devices. The Google Play webpage was created on April 26, 2020, with the game's download statistic listed as twenty times. Although the game had received an official ISBN (978-7-498-07991-6) in China on August 6, 2020, it was never brought online.

There are various language versions of the Google Play game description depending on the language code URL, including "zh-TW" traditional and "zh" simplified Chinese and English—which is riddled with translation errors. Some language codes—such as "de" German, "es" Spanish, and "ru" Russian—default to the traditional Chinese version, while the other versions—such as "ar" Arabic, "fr" French, "it" Italian, and "ko" Korean—copy Star Wars–specific terms from the English version with all of its errors, such as "General Griffiths" for General Grievous and "Nab star" for Naboo. The "ja" Japanese and "he" Hebrew versions are written entirely in their respective languages, but they phonetically copy the errors from English, such as "グリフィス" and "גריפית'ס" from "Griffiths."

The game description specifies that the game is rated for players aged twelve and above in the Republic of China, which rules Taiwan. The promotional images on Google Play use mostly traditional Chinese, which is used in Taiwan and Hong Kong, but one image features both traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese, which is used in mainland China under the People's Republic of China. The promotional images feature an original character, named 雷克斯・比勒爾, as the player.

Yoozoo and Gamesword

A promotional illustration for Star Wars: Galactic Conflict set on Felucia.

A promotional illustration for Star Wars: Galactic Conflict set on Felucia.

The Walt Disney Company and Yoozoo Games had initially agreed to release Star Wars: Galactic Conflict, referred to as 《星球大战:银河冲突》 in simplified Chinese, by December 31, 2018. Yoozoo, which also trades as "Youzu Games," is a video game developer headquartered in Shanghai in the People's Republic of China and was led by the billionaire founder and gaming tycoon Lin Qi until his murder in December, 2020.

The game's Google Play webpage was updated on April 27, 2020 and lists the game developer as "GTarcade-old." GTarcade is a gaming platform owned by Yoozoo Games. On April 26, 2020, the Youzu Games company in the United Kingdom replaced its director, who had significant shares in the company, and declared Youzu's company in Hong Kong to be the new party with significant shares. The game was officially approved by Communist China's NPPA state organ on August 6, 2020.

The Google Play webpage also identifies Gamesword as the trader. Gamesword is a Hong Kong company founded by the Taiwanese company Gravity in 2019, citing their business strategy of increasing investment in video gaming and mainland China amidst the China–United States trade war. Gravity signed a licensing agreement for Star Wars: Galactic Conflict, referred to as 《星球大戰:銀河衝突》 in traditional Chinese, on April 23, 2020, with Gamesword collaborating with the ULT company. Gamesword had previously granted ULT rights to distribute the 2019 MMORPG Game of Thrones: Winter Is Coming in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, and the game was similarly developed by Yoozoo Games. The listed address of the Hong Kong Youzu Games division on one of its games is identical to Gamesword's Hong Kong address, as listed on the Star Wars game's Google Play page.

Gravity had several board members and stakeholders resign between February and April of 2021 and ended Gamesword's gaming agreements on April 26 that year. According to Chinese media in October, 2022, Yoozoo had sued Disney's China branch over the development of Galactic Conflict. In a Shanghai court, Yoozoo accused Disney of "needlessly delays" after signing their license agreement for the Star Wars game in 2019, with the developer claiming that they completed the game on schedule in spite of the difficulties. However, Yoozoo alleged that Disney tried to terminate their contract on the basis that the game developer failed to deliver as promised and unilaterally withdrew the Star Wars game license.

The Shanghai court requested that both parties attempt to resolve the matter through "friendly negotiation" and, if unsuccessful, for Yoozoo to request the case to be arbitrated by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. The court then dismissed Yoozoo's lawsuit. According to Taiwan media in March, 2024, Gravity's investment into the gaming industry with Yoozoo Games' products resulted in massive financial losses, which were compounded with Yoozoo executive Lin Qi's murder and insider trading by Gravity's board members related to Yoozoo and Gamesword. Taipei authorities had been investigating the scandal.



