Star Wars: Battles for the Galaxy

Back cover

Learn about the biggest and most important battles in galactic history. Join the generals, soldiers, Jedi, and Rebels on their missions, and discover the traps, betrayals, and triumphs."


  • Introduction
  • A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away
  • Droid Army
  • Gungan Army
  • Battle Analysis:Naboo
  • What Good Is Clumsiness On the Battlefield?
  • Vehicles:The Separatist
  • How Can You Stop A Droid Army?
  • Jedi Generals
  • Battle Analysis:Geonosis
  • How Dangerous Is A Droid Factory?
  • Clone Army
  • Clone Trooper Identification
  • Vehicles:The Republic
  • What Happens When Droids Fight Clones?
  • Sith Lords
  • What Happens When The Two Sides Of the Force Meet?
  • Tools Of War
  • Battle Analysis:Coruscant
  • What Use Is One Small Astromech Droid?
  • How Can A Jedi Fight Without A Lightsaber?
  • Decoys and Disguise
  • Battle Analysis:Jedi Purge
  • Wookiee Army
  • Clone trooperToStormtrooper
  • Imperial Army
  • Wartime Transformation
  • Rebel Alliance
  • Vehicles:The Rebels
  • Target:The Darth Star
  • How Can A Princess Rescue Herself?
  • Battle Analysis:Yavin 4
  • What Is The Power Of the Force?
  • Vehicles:The Empire
  • Battle Analysis:Hoth
  • How Can You Stop An AT-AT In It's Tracks?
  • Exploring Rebel Bases
  • Ewok Warriors
  • Battle Analysis:Endor
  • How Can A Small Army Take On the Empire?
  • How Do You Turn Around A Losing Battle?
  • Small Battles Can Make A Big Difference
  • Glossary
  • Index
  • Acknowledgements



