StarMark III Hyperdrive

At that time, an extra–galactic spacer who had crashed on Tatooine bought a StarMark III Hyperdrive from a junk dealer named Watto, so they could repair their damaged starship and leave the planet.

The StarMark III Hyperdrive appeared in the 2000 video game Star Wars Math: Jabba's Game Galaxy, released by Lucas Learning. Using credits earned in the various activities of the game, the player could collect parts and pieces used in the rebuilding of a crashed spaceship. The StarMark III Hyperdrive was one of the available parts. That item was essential to finish the game, as the player could not get off Tatooine with the mended ship without a hyperdrive unit.

Behind the scenes

The StarMark III Hyperdrive appeared in the 2000 video game Star Wars Math: Jabba's Game Galaxy, released by Lucas Learning. Using credits earned in the various activities of the game, the player could collect parts and pieces used in the rebuilding of a crashed spaceship. The StarMark III Hyperdrive was one of the available parts. That item was essential to finish the game, as the player could not get off Tatooine with the mended ship without a hyperdrive unit.



