Spinnaker Raider territory

The territory of the Spinnaker Raiders was a region on the planet Vandor. When the Galactic Empire arrived on the planet, Tivoche Bilure took a position laying conveyex tracks across Spinnaker Raider territory. Bilure and his work crew had to lay down the tracks three times, as the Spinnakers tore up the track each time they finished. The third time, the Spinnakers attacked the workers as soon as they arrived. Bilure hid under a kod'yok skin and was the only one survive the attack.

The territory of the Spinnaker Raiders was mentioned in the 2018 replica journal Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor, written by Jason Fry.

Behind the scenes

The territory of the Spinnaker Raiders was mentioned in the 2018 replica journal Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor, written by Jason Fry.


  • Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor
