Solo: A Star Wars Story Adaptation 1

Publisher's summary

FEATURING BACKSTORY AND SCENES NOT SEEN IN THEATERS! After leaving the IMPERIAL NAVY, a young HAN SOLO seeks adventure by joining a gang of galactic mercenaries — including a 190-year-old [sic] Wookiee named CHEWBACCA and a notorious gambler named LANDO CALRISSIAN. But there's more to the story of the galaxy's most beloved scoundrel than what you saw in theaters. Why does BECKETT trust him? And what is the connection between the woman who stole Han's heart and one of Han's closest friends?


Solo: A Star Wars Story Adaptation 1 features scenes previously depicted in the novel Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition, although there are minor differences between the two. In the comic book, during Han Solo's tribunal at Carida, Commodore Almudin gives a recap of Solo's actions at the academy before proceeding onto the dialogue used in the novelization. Likewise, Solo's actions during his training exercise are also altered, showing him to take out three raiders instead of damaging just one, as stated in the novelization.





