
Smikes was a taciturn human male pilot in the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Corona Squadron. After Corona Squadron was permanently assigned to the MC80 Liberty Type Heavy Star Cruiser Liberty, the squadron began to fly recon missions. After a mission to the planet D'Qar, Smikes worked on his T-65B X-wing starfighter in the hangar. Shortly before the Battle of Endor the squadron embarked on a scouting mission in the Hudalla system. Smikes and the others tethered themselves to asteroids to hide and observe the Imperial fleet amassing in the system. However, the squadron was discovered, and after battling a patrol of four TIE/ln space superiority starfighters, including Ciena Ree and Nash Windrider, Smikes was shot down and killed as the rest of his squadron escaped to hyperspace.

Smikes was known to his fellow squadron members as wary, pessimistic, and constantly grumpy. However, he was also courageous and friendly, describing himself as a "realist." At one point, Corona Leader, the Contessa, noted that Smikes never pretended that they were having a better time than they were, to which Smikes responded that there was nothing fun about war.

Smikes first appeared in the 2015 canon novel Lost Stars, which was written by Claudia Gray.

Behind the scenes

Smikes first appeared in the 2015 canon novel Lost Stars, which was written by Claudia Gray.









