
The SkySweep was a StoneCrusher-class WarMaster warship that served the armada of the Grysk warlike species as part of the fleet commanded by the Grysk operative known as "Jixtus." Around 18 BBY, the SkySweep fought against Chiss Ascendancy Senior Captain Thrawn's fleet over the Unknown Regions planet codenamed "Sunrise" at Thrawn's last stand. The StoneCrusher engaged the Clarr light cruiser Orisson and two Chiss light cruisers, which destroyed the Grysk vessel.


The SkySweep was a StoneCrusher-class WarMaster warship equipped with engines and a hyperdrive. It was armed with missiles and spectrum lasers.


The SkySweep fought at Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo's (pictured) last stand.

The SkySweep fought at Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo's (pictured) last stand.

The SkySweep was one of the three StoneCrushers that served the Grysk warlike species' armada as part of the fleet of the Grysk operative known as "Jixtus." Around 18 BBY, Jixtus traveled aboard the Kilji war cruiser Whetstone to the Unknown Regions' Sunrise system to engage the fleet of the Chiss Ascendancy Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, core name "Thrawn" at his last stand. As his fleet arrived over the planet codenamed "Sunrise," the Grysk operative announced that the Grysk vessels, including the SkySweep, were Thrawn's "final doom" before introducing their names. The SkySweep flanked Jixtus's flagship, the Shatter-class WarMaster FateSpinner, on dorsal before engaging the Chiss forces.

The StoneCrusher-class WarMaster was attacked by the Chiss Clarr light cruiser Orisson and two Chiss light cruisers. The latter vessels fired at the SkySweep from two sides, with several of their breacher missiles and plasma spheres impacting its hull.

After Thrawn and Admiral Ar'alani identified the warship's weak spots, the captain of the Orisson, Captain Clarr'os'culry "Roscu," ordered her crew to continue firing the light cruiser's spectrum lasers at the SkySweep. As the three light cruisers battered the WarMaster, the warship fired laser volleys at the Orisson, destroying one of its starboard laser cannons.

Shortly after, one of the other cruisers' breachers impacted the SkySweep, which moved away from the attacker only to position itself in front of the Orisson, which then destroyed the warship's aft flank with a laser barrage. As the Clarr light cruiser moved to engage the StoneCrusher-class WarMaster Armageddon, the other two Chiss cruisers destroyed the SkySweep. Ultimately, Senior Captain Thrawn's last stand ended with the destruction of Jixtus's entire fleet.

Commanders and crew

The SkySweep was commanded by a .

Behind the scenes

The SkySweep appeared in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, the final volume in Timothy Zahn's Ascendancy Trilogy.






